1. sh

a. ship /ʃɪp/

b. ashame /ə 'ʃeɪm/

c. wish /wɪʃ/

The 'sh sound' is frequently spelled 's-h' as in "ship" and 'c-h' as in "chef."

2. ch*

a. chef /ʃɛf/


b. machine /mə 'ʃin/


c. mustache /'mʌ stæʃ/


*The 'ch' spelling is more commonly pronounced as the 'ch' sound /ʧ/ (as in 'chip'). It is also sometimes pronounced /k/ as in 'chaos.'

'sh sound' /ʃ/ non-phonetic words

Non-phonetic words are not pronounced according to their spelling. Their pronunciations should be memorized.

1. sure /ʃuɚ/

2. ocean /'oʊʃ ən/

3. issue /'ɪʃ u/

4. sugar /'ʃʊg ɚ/