"Sail" and "sale" sound the same

The words "sale" and "sale" are pronounced the same!

The words "sale" and "sale" are pronounced the same!


The words "sail" and "sail" are both pronounced with the 'long a' sound /eɪ/ and both follow common spelling/pronunciation 'long a' patterns:  'a-consonant-e' and 'ai.'

Other words pronounced with a 'long a' that are spelled 'a-consonant-e' include:

  • face
  • game
  • lake
  • race
  • amaze

Other words pronounced with a 'long a' that are spelled 'ai' include:

  • paid
  • fail
  • claim
  • trail
  • brain

Now is a good time to learn all the common 'long a' /eɪ/ spelling patterns.

⚠ Be careful! The word "again" is not phonetic and is NOT pronounced with a 'long a' /eɪ/.