Introduction to Long Vowels > How to pronounce ‘long a' /eɪ/ > Common 'long a' /eɪ/ spellings > Practice pronouncing 'long a' /eɪ/
Common 'long a' /eɪ/ spellings
1. a_e (vowel-consonant-e)
When the letter 'a' is followed by a single consonant and then the letter 'e,' the letter 'a' is usually pronounced as /eɪ/.
a. same /seɪm/
b. cake /keɪk/
c. safe /seɪf/
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2. -ai-
The 'ai' spelling is a fairly common spelling for the mid-word 'long a' sound.
a. rain /reɪn/
b. paid /peɪd/
c. faith /feɪθ/
3. ay
a. say /seɪ/
b. play /pleɪ/
c. way /weɪ/
4. eigh
a. eight /eɪt/
b. weigh /weɪ/
c. sleigh /sleɪ/