Introduction to Fricatives > How to pronounce /s/ > Common /s/ spellings > Practice pronouncing /s/
Common /s/ spellings
1. s/ss
a. so /soʊ/
b. past /pæst/
c. kiss /kɪs/
2. c(+e)
a. center /'sɛnt ɚ/
b. license /'lɑɪs əns/
c. bounce /baʊns/
3. c(+i)
a. circle /'sɚ kl̩/
b. city /'sɪ t̬i/
c. medicine /'mɛd ɪs ən/
4. sc
a. science /'sɑɪ əns/
b. muscle /'mʌs l/
c. descend /də 'sɛnd/
5. x
a. box /bɑks/
b. next /nɛkst/
c. oxygen /'ɑks ɪʤ ən/
More 's' material
- Learn how to pronounce the 's' sound
- PRACTICE! Listen to and repeat after 's' practice words