Introduction to Long Vowels > How to pronounce 'long u’ /yu/ > Common 'long u’ /yu/ spellings > Practice pronouncing 'long u’ /yu/
How to pronounce the 'long u' /yu/
'long u' illustration
The 'long u' /yu/ is a 2-sound vowel similar to a 'y sound' /y/ followed by an 'oo sound' /u/.
Part 1: The 'long u' /yu/ begins with the jaw mostly closed and tip of the tongue very close to the tooth ridge (similar to a 'y sound' /y/).
Part 2: The sound transitions into an 'oo sound' /u/ by closing the lips into a small circle while lowering the front of the tongue. At the same time as the front of the tongue lowers, the back of the tongue raises.